What apps use data when connected to wifi

2. wifi connected but no internet access warning message: infact the wifi has no issue....still can connecting to internet. however every time3.unstable mobile data: it will be drop out....and i have to switch off and on again from data setting. 4. the battery is gone faster than normal (samsung) phone...

Generally, when you are on wifi, your phone does not use cellular data. However, there may be some apps that use cellular data whether you are on wifi or not. Visual voice mail on an iPhone is such an app. Also, most phones will turn wifi off when in sleep mode so any apps (like Facebook) still using data will switch to cellular data. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9pV9FJ-CgQ

The reason your iPhone can't connect to Wi-Fi may be simple or complex. Whichever it is, these fixes will get you back online fast.Your phone's Network Settings contain all kinds of information, including connection data and preferences for cellular and Wi-Fi networks.

Jul 10, 2017 ... Apps you disable here will still be allowed to use Wi-Fi networks, but not ... Wi-Fi and use cellular data if you're connected to a Wi-Fi network ... wifi - if both data and wi-fi are enabled, will iPhone use both ... In my experience, the iPhone will only use data from one connection at a time, ... list) which apps can access cellular data while you're on Wi-Fi. 8 ways to tame your data-hogging Android phone | PCWorld 9 Feb 2016 ... Read on for 8 ways to keep your Android device's cellular data use in check, starting with. .... Ben Patterson. You can set Google Play to spare your cellular data and only download app updates once you're connected to Wi-Fi.

Go into settings and turn your phone's WiFi off. Then phone will use its 2g/3g/4g data auto-magically. There's a widget built into many Android phones that you can put on your desktop that gives easy one-click control over WiFi, Bluetootooth, screen brightness, GPS and refresh. Or go into settings, find WiFi and turn it off.

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Is there any way to configure Android so that a certain app (in this case WhatsApp, but could be others) will always use cellular data even though it is connected to a WiFi access point? Bonus points if it'll only do it for a specific access point, so we can configure it to use cellular data for the office but at home it'll still go over WiFi.

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https://www.xfinity.com/hub/mobile/how-to-minimize-data-usage-iphone https://developer.android.com/training/basics/network-ops/managing https://supportwireless.textnow.com/hc/en-us/articles/204252149-Data-Connectivity-Problems-CDMA- http://accan.org.au/tip-sheets/how-to-use-less-data-on-your-smartphone https://www.digitalcitizen.life/how-block-internet-access-specific-apps-android https://www.datafree.co/how-to-limit-mobile-data-usage

You Asked, We Answered: When Am I Using Cellular Data? Hi Gary, if the smart thermostat and smart furnace use a third-party app on your phone that connects to the internet, then you should be able to use the app while on data or on Wi-Fi, whichever is available. 7 apps that are quietly killing your data plan - CNET The apps that use the most data typically are the apps that you use the most. For a lot of people, that's Facebook , Instagram , Netflix , Snapchat , Spotify , Twitter and YouTube . wi fi - Is it possible to force an app to use cellular data ... Is there any way to configure Android so that a certain app (in this case WhatsApp, but could be others) will always use cellular data even though it is connected to a WiFi access point? Bonus points if it'll only do it for a specific access point, so we can configure it to use cellular data for the office but at home it'll still go over WiFi.

Free WiFi Connect - Apps on Google Play

It's not Wi-Fi Assist using all your data, it's your settings Sep 30, 2015 ... Yes, it's true WI-Fi Assist will prioritize your data connection over Wi-Fi in ... You can start by restricting which apps are able to use cellular data. How to automatically disable mobile data on WiFi on Android Nov 20, 2018 ... When you use your mobile data instead of a WiFi network, your ... It also happens on iPhones, and any other portable device that can connect to a mobile network. ... Open the Settings app and go to the About Phone section. How to Prevent Any App From Using Mobile Data on Android Dec 17, 2018 ... NetGuard is one open source option that not only prevents apps from using cellular data, but stops them from connecting over Wi-Fi too.